

Thank you for your interest in the Ski Brule Ski Patrol! Hopefully this page helps answer some questions for you. We actively welcome snowboarders and skiers. Having a medical background or being an expert skier is not required. Willingness to apply yourself and enthusiasm for volunteering almost guarantees your success in joining the ranks of the National Ski Patrol and the Ski Brule Ski Patrol.

If you decide to start your journey start by reaching out to us!

2024/2025 Ski Patrol Training

  • December 7th, 2024 – Outdoor Emergency Care course starts
  • December 15th, 2024 – Patroller 101 course for all new Ski Brule patrollers and candidates 
  • January 5th, 2025 – Ski and Toboggan training starts at Ski Brule
  • February 22nd, 2025 – OEC Exam 
  • March 2nd, 2025 – Ski and Toboggan Evaluation

2025/2026 Ski Patrol Training

  • Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) classes for 2025 have not yet been scheduled.
  • Early January TBD, 2026 – Ski and Toboggan training starts at Ski Brule
  • Early March TBD, 2026 – Ski and Toboggan Evaluation

Patrolling Requirements

Each patroller is required to patrol a minimum of 10 shifts at Ski Brule. A shift starts 30 minutes before the lifts open and ends after the hill is closed. We provide emergency care to the guests of our resort and support our guests with exceptional customer service at Ski Brule.


We are a volunteer patrol. Members in good standing accrue the benefit of receiving a family season pass at Ski Brule. Other benefits may include free lodging (limitations apply), guest passes, equipment discounts, and various other discounts at the resort. Members also have the option to participate in advanced educational member-only clinics and events.


Patrollers are under the supervision of the management team at Ski Brule. Ski Brule management has final authority over patrol membership at Ski Brule.


Class materials, NSP outerwear, and annual membership dues are personal expenses. Contact us if you’d like more information about current costs.

Estimated costs are as follows (subject to change):


  • OEC Course $150
    • This one-time fee is payable directly to NSP when you register for the class.
    • 20% student discount available.
  • OEC Book $94
    • Outdoor Emergency Care – 6th Edition. There is an online version, but it does not come with all of available study resources as the printed version. We strongly encourage candidates to purchase the printed book.
    • The OEC book is also a useful reference for the annual refreshers.
  • Red Ski Patrol Jacket or Vest $100-$300
    • You may find a good used jacket online. New jackets typically run over $200. We will assist you in finding a jacket that meets your needs and budget.
  • Black Ski/Board Pants $0-$200
    • You may already have these.
  • Helmet $0-$150
    • Patrollers are required to wear a helmet. You may already own one.
  • First Aid Backpack (“Patrol Pack”) $74-$150
    • We encourage you to purchase a first aid pack through either the NSP or another health care provider. A generic pack does not have the durability and pockets necessary to hold all of your first aid gear.
    • Not required if you carry your supplies in a patrol vest.
  • First Aid Supplies & Equipment ~$40
    • Initial purchase of supplies is at the patroller’s expense, but and supplies used at Ski Brule may be restocked from the Ski Brule Ski Patrol supply cabinet.
    • Your OEC class can purchase items in bulk to save cost.



  • Annual NSP Dues – You will need to pay these (via before the start of your OEC or S&T class, and then yearly after that.
  • Local Ski Brule Ski Patrol Dues $10
    • Paid annually prior to the season, due at the refresher.
  • BLS CPR Course
    • Cost varies depending on provider. You pay this cost directly to the course provider.
    • Required every two years to stay current.
    • In the in-between years you must demonstrate your skills to a CPR instructor.



No insurance is available.

Age Requirement

Interested adults must be at least age 16 by the completion of the class


The Good Samaritan Law provides liability protection for volunteers when providing reasonable care as trained. NSP does not provide legal representation for any claims relating to care you provide. Because of the sensitivity of this issue, further questions should be directed to your personal attorney.


First Aid Training

Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) is an intense first-aid training where you were learn life-saving skills.

Duration: 12-15 weeks, although licensed health care professionals (EMT, RN, Paramedic, or Doctor) may be eligible for a shortened version of the course. 

Location: Can vary depending on demand and instructor availability, but OEC classes have been held in Iron River, Rhinelander, Appleton and other communities.

Continuing Education: Once OEC certified, OEC skills are ‘refreshed’ annually to NSP requirements.

Ski/Snowboard & Toboggan (S&T) Training

You will learn the skills necessary to safely transport an injured guest down the hill in a toboggan.

Duration: Eight weekends, January through early March.

Location: Ski Brule

Continuing Education: Once S&T qualified, skills are ‘refreshed’ annualy to NSP requirements.


Each member is required to hold a valid CPR for Healthcare Providers card and to annually refresh this skill. Course must be administered by an approved organization, such as the American Heart Association or American Red Cross.

Continuing Education: Each patroller must complete CPR refresher training annually.

Patroller 101

A one-day class in early December to learn about the Ski Brule Ski Patrol and to become more familiar with Ski Brule and our equipment.

Duration: One day

Location: Ski Brule

Introduction to the Incident Command System

FEMA’s IS-0100 “Introduction to the Incident Command System” is an online course completed on your own time. This free course takes approximately 2 hours to complete.

Your first year will be hard work, but also fun as you learn and practice your new skills. You will be with patrollers, who are enthusiastic about having you join our ranks.

For more information about the National Ski Patrol, see

Click here to apply to be a member of the Ski Brule Patrol. We will follow up to advise what the next steps are.

Patrollers at Ski Brule are very willing to answer any other questions you may have. Ask any of us how we can help with your NSP journey!